Sunday, September 15, 2013

3 Ways To Turn Up The Volume Of Your Job

Your job is OK, not bad, just OK.  But you’d like it to be more than OK, you’d like it to be – dare to dream - great! 

You don’t need to find a new job to have a great job.  Here are three ways to redesign, add on, and de-clutter your way to a great job.

Work To Your Strengths:

We all have things we do really well, without even trying.  People ask, how do you do that?  And we answer, I don’t know – I just do it.  That’s one of your strengths in action.  A strength is a combination of innate talent combined with knowledge and skills acquired through experience. 

Becoming conscious of our strengths is the fast path to success because your greatest potential for growth comes from your areas of strength, not your areas of weakness.  To turn up the volume of your current job, redesign it around your strengths.   You probably have more leeway than you think to design your job around your strengths.

One of the core questions Gallup asks is, “At work do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?”  Think how great it would feel to answer, “Yes!”

I love the Gallup StrengthsFinder tool.  If you’ve never taken this assessment, purchase a new copy of StrengthsFinder 2.0, complete the online questionnaire using the access code in the back of the book, and download the detailed report of your top 5 talent themes.   Then identify your strengths and find ways to incorporate them into your days. 

Don’t’ Go It Alone

When I interview new clients who are unhappy in their current job, the common theme I hear is they feel alone.  No one supports them, no one appreciates them, and interactions with coworkers are generally negative.  They feel isolated, set up for failure, and the only solution they can see is to find a new job. 

Don’t let things deteriorate to this point.  Building authentic relationships with coworkers, networking in your industry, and partnering with others is something successful people make a conscious effort to do well, even if it’s outside their comfort zone.

I was coaching a new client recently who likes to work at a really fast pace.  But he understands the risks associated with his business well enough to know when he needs to reach out to a couple of trusted partners for help thinking things through.  We all need those sounding boards, no matter what we do for a living. 

My last boss in my corporate job asked me about my networking outside the company. I was not an industry networker, and I regret it now.  When coaching people in senior management positions, I urge them to make sure they have a network (including LinkedIn connections) with people outside of their company – people they meet at conferences, etc.  Keeping up with trends in the industry keeps you current and could spark some new ideas.  And of course it comes in handy if you find yourself looking for a new opportunity.

Stay Away from the Dark Side

The dreaded dark side is populated with negative people and energy vampires as well as your own inner beast or shadow.  The sooner you recognize that you’re engaging with the dark side, the sooner you can extricate yourself.  This includes Negative Nellies as well as those people who might be gunning for you, determined to make you look bad in public.  Find a way to disengage or limit your engagement with these people.  Recognizing them for what they are is the key.

We all have a shadow, that inner ogre that takes over when we’re stressed or pushed beyond our limits.  Different people have different looking shadows.  Mine retreats, but other people have shadows that turn combative, judgmental, overly critical, manipulative, close-minded, or pessimistic.  Learn what triggers your shadow so you can take steps to avoid those situations, or if you can’t avoid them, manage your responses.

Implement these three strategies, and “kick it up a notch” at work!


  1. I absolutely love the first strategy, "Work to your strengths". In fact I'm an advocate for this being taught + developed throughout our education system. Imagine how much happier not to mention, wealthier our world would be...

    1. I agree! In my experience in the corporate world, when you start to acknowledge the best in yourself you start to see the best in others. Wouldn't that be a wonderful world! Gallup has developed some StrengthsFinder-based tools for kids and teens. If you Google 'strengthsfinders for kids' you'll see some great resources. Hopefully your advocacy efforts will create some changes.

    2. Hey that's great Pam, thanks ;)

  2. great post, pam! and i especially appreciate your third point - "stay away from the dark side." my clients are often dealing with "inner shadows", and can become their own worst enemies. so important to be aware of those triggers and how to combat them.

    1. Thanks, April! Yes, knowing what triggers your shadow is so important, but so hard! Oftentimes we don't recognize that our dark side came out to play until hours later when we're still upset. With practice, though, people can develop the presence of mind to recognize it while it's happening. That's the first step to being able to identify the trigger.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thanks Pam, StrengthsFinder 2.0 has been on my to-do list for a while and you just bumped it up on the list for me!

    1. Hurrah - go for it! After you take the assessment make you download the detailed report. It's a .pdf 17 to 20 pages filled with lots of great self-coaching information on how to bring your strengths into your days.

  5. Great post Pam. I found that most of my employers didn't really 'like' my strengths, especially since I was in positions where they weren't required. However I'm now using them in my own business to help others grow their businesses. I thoroughly agree with you on networking - it's so important whether you are employed or your own boss. As for your third point it really is essential to stay away from The Dark Side or if you do visit make it a flying one.

  6. I love the Gallups Strength Finder test too.
    For my coaching clients I buy it for them and get them to take it so we can see where their strengths lie and build up on those rather than give them a one size fits all strategy.
    Great post Pam that fits in with life in general as well as in the workplace.
